````` Government Degree College, Akhnoor (Jammu & Kashmir).


Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand.- Native American Saying          Education make a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive: easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. - Peter Brougham          Education is not the filling of a pail,but the lighting of a fire.” - Wiliam Butler Yeats.          What we learn with pleasure we never forget. - Alfred Mercier
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Important links
   # NVD2024
   e-Noticeboard  |  Agnipath Yojana
   NIRF 2020-21
   AISHE 2021-22
   Time Table 2022-23
   Admission 2024-25
   Tender Notices
   Gender Sensitization
   MANODARPAN an initiative of the Ministry oh Human Resource Development Helpline No. 8448440632
Students Seeking Education Loan click Vidya Lakshmi for details and apply online
Register New Complaint
Check status of complaint
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Admission has been started, for information please visit following link
Download Admission Notice
Download Prospectus for admission
Apply online for admission 2022-23
Note: Students are advised to read the instructions carefully before submitting the application form.

Rules to be followed after Admission

Uniform for Boys is white shirt, Black Pants, white socks and black leather shoes in summers. In winters Grey sweater/Blazer will compliment the uniform.

Uniform for Girls is white Salwar Suit and white Dupatta and white sport shoes in summer. In winters Black Sweater/Black Blazer will complimentthe uniform.

Student who remains absent from the college without permission for more than fourteen consecutive days, his/her name shall be struck off from the college rolls.

Students are directed to remain punctual and regular in attendance

A student resulting to unfair means in the internal examination will be issued    a  Bad Character Certificate.

Mobile phones are strictly banned to College for students. Students should not carry mobile phones with them.

Student must possess Identity cards issued by the College.

Smoking or use of intoxicants is strictly prohibited. Defaulters will be punished.

Students are directed not to damage the college property or deface the college building.    Writing of graffite on the walls or sticking of posters is a cognizable offence

No outsider is allowed to enter the college without valid reason.

Students are directed to come in proper uniform to the college

No student should bring his/herfriend/ relative to the college

A student cannot leave the college premises during working hours except in case of an emergency.

A student desirous of withdrawing his/her name from the college rolls should submit an application countersigned by the parents/guardian of the student. The relevant certificate shall be issued only after the student clears all college dues. Such students shall in no case be re-admitted during the same and in next academic session.

As per the Govt, order No. HE/Gen/61/2001 dated 07-09-2001 fee once deposited will not be refunded.

Strict action will be taken under rule by the college administration against the student found violating the above cited rules.

The above rules may be changed, modified on suspended as and when required.



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