
Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand.- Native American Saying          Education make a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive: easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. - Peter Brougham          Education is not the filling of a pail,but the lighting of a fire.” - Wiliam Butler Yeats.          What we learn with pleasure we never forget. - Alfred Mercier
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“Symposium on “Mahatma Gandhi and Peace in J&K”  


Feb 22,2017 GDC Akhnoor organized a symposium on the Topic: “Mahatma Gandhi and Peace in J&K” in the college Seminar Hall. The programme was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Principal Dr. S.P Sharma. The function started with lighting of ceremonial lamp by the Chief Guest and the resource persons Padamshree Mr. S.P. Varma, President Gandhi Global family, J&K and other dignitaries’ invited on the occasion. Speaking on the occasion, Principal of the college threw light on the importance of Gandhian Philosophy in present era. The resource person Padamshree Mr. S.P Varma while speaking on the occasion directed the young gathering to quest big in life by walking on the footsteps of India’s greatest Peace Icon “Gandhi Ji”. He further added that Gandhiji’s wisdom, truth, justice, non-violence, education, patience, compassion and simplicity inspires all of us to become better individuals. Further second resource person Mr. M.A Malik, Retired S.S.P at present Social Activist, Gandhi Global Family highlighted the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi and stressed on implementing Peace. He further appreciated students for presenting their views on Gandhian Philosophy and Life. The third resource person Dr. Ashaq Malik, Assistant Professor in Botany, GCW Gandhi Nagar elaborated about association of Gandhi Global Family with UNO and further programs/plans which they are going to initiate in coming time like framing of syllabus for peace education programme. He further added that two major issues Peace and Environment should be addressed in J&K for sustainable growth of the state.





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